Legislation and Standards

Employee and Labour Standards

Commonly referred to as an Employment Standards Act or Labour Standards Code, all Canadian jurisdictions legislate minimum employment standards for working conditions and basic entitlements such as minimum wage, vacations, paid public holidays, maternity and parental leave, overtime, severance, and termination of employment. They are designed to provide fundamental protection for employees and ensuring consistency in the labour market by establishing standards of employment practices. It is possible that your province or territory has additional benefits to the federal ones to which you may be entitled.

Determining your rights under employment standards and legislation can be a difficult task so it is best to seek help from your employer or a lawyer. Based on the advice you receive and if you believe your employer is violating employment standards, you can file a complaint. It is against the law in all jurisdictions for your employer to discriminate or retaliate against you because you exercised your rights under employment standards legislation. As your complaint is processed, an employment standards officer will be assigned to investigate the situation and either issue a compliance order or dismiss the case. If the matter is not resolved, complaints can be heard by a tribunal or board for final and binding determination.

In most jurisdictions, you are expected to first try to resolve the problem with your employer. Here are some handy links that may be of value for you:

For additional support, you can also check out this website.

National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace

In 2013, the voluntary National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace was released and included guidelines, tools and resources focused on promoting employees’ psychological health and preventing psychological harm due to workplace. It was championed by the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) and developed by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA Group) and the Bureau de normalisation du Québec (BNQ).

In 2014, a national survey found that 27% of employees surveyed report experiencing significant symptoms of stress. Employees overwhelmingly believe that workplace support can mitigate the impact of negative stressors.

Download the Standard today!

The Standard includes information on:

Information on how to implement the Standard within your organization can be found on the Mental Health Commission of Canada website.


Do you need a quick link to more information on workplace related legislation? Click on the below links to get access to what you may be looking for: